Focused on results, not return visits. Start the fight for your freedom.
PSYCHOLOGY & ANXIETY CLINIC Dr. Daniel Gibson, PsyD GPS Meeting you where you are - Guiding you where you want to be Contact Us ph:  208-258-7917 fax:  208-417-3088
Travis Thoms, LPCC
It's popular for some therapists to help people around a "condition" or "disorder". Institutions, governments, and even society itself promote these labels, because such labels are helpful (and convenient) for them. But you're a person, not a condition. Perhaps you're sad, heartbroken, frustrated, lacking motivation, or anxious. Maybe, something's happened that you need help working out. Could be that you have feelings or habits that interfere with your goals. Or maybe you just have a sense that life ought to be better than it is. Whether you need a full diagnosis and treatment plan, or you just want to talk, give us a call, and we'll set up an appointment.
        Psychology &         Anxiety Clinic